From: Matt Clayton
RE: How to Make History Amazing, Fun, and Informative for Everyone
Dear History Lover,
My name is Matt… I’m one of the creators of the Captivating History book series.
My love of history all started for me when I was 15 years old.
I had a history teacher who was super engaging.
He had a totally unique ability to tell stories about different events in history to make them relevant and “real.”
He always held the class in rapt attention and made history both fun and interesting.
In fact, I was so excited about history that I wanted to learn more about it on my own time.
I rushed out to my local book store and plunked down my hard-earned money from doing side jobs at home and bought several history books I thought would be amazing.
I rushed home, eager to start reading, only to realize within a couple of pages how boring most history books are!
I had another history teacher later in school, but he just wasn’t as interesting as the first.
The reason he wasn’t as good was because he just didn’t know how to tell stories that captured the attention of the class and make history exciting!
It was then I realized I was going to have to find and uncover the stories and lessons myself to make history come alive for me and for others.
And that’s exactly what I did.
5+ years after Captivating History was started, over 250 English titles on virtually every area of history you can imagine has been released.
And our mission is to not only make history interesting and fun, but also useful.
That’s why I’m so passionate about bringing you these books. Because history has so many lessons that can help us make better decisions for the future!
If you're someone who wants to learn more about our fascinating past and wants to have fun while exploring what these lessons have to teach our present-day society (and actually remember what you learn), here's the answer you've been looking for...
I n t r o d u c i n g . . .
"The Captivating History Book Club" helps you:
... and much, MUCH More!
And best of all... you'll start feeling more confident as a person when your knowledge about history grows, instantly, from your first book club selection.
Now that's a tall promise and at this point you may be wondering...
Captivating History has a massive following of history-buffs who have enjoyed knowledge built on:
Captivating History has been igniting a passion for history in teachers, students, and people all over the world by presenting history in a captivating way that that's fun, educational, and useful in your everyday life.
Captivating History is uniquely qualified to help you understand everything you need to know about history!
(This Is Just a Tiny Fraction of the thousands of 5-Star Comments You’ll Find)
Every Ebook you'll be sent has been carefully planned to ensure you're building your knowledge of history in an organized, fast, and captivating way.
Without this, you might find puzzle pieces here and there, but you'll struggle to see the complete picture.
Remember this; sometimes it's not what's included that matters, but what's not included; we got you covered on this front so you never have to feel you're wasting time!
The most successful people throughout history have all had extensive personal libraries; this is your chance to do the same digitally!
Every month you're going to get 2 different audiobooks by either Captivating History or Enthralling History so you can build your digital library even faster.
You can easily listen to these on any device or in your car going down the road, doing the dishes, or even taking a walk.
Act now and your subscription is locked in as long as you maintain your membership... even when the price increases in the future, you're locked in at the founding members' rate.
When you're at one month, you might be discovering the true story of the Titanic and in another month, you might be learning about the national heroine of France, who at age 18, led the French army to victory over the English at Orléans.
So every single month, you'll be getting an extra ebook and corresponding audiobook that will delight you and tantalize your interest in history.
Don't be surprised if people start saying things like, "how do you see all these connections?" This will be your secret. With our one special member-exclusive video and accompanying report per month, you'll be discovering everything from common denominators for the rise and fall of empires to getting short "did you know stories" you can bring up to your family and friends or anyone else you'd like to entertain with history.
Our goal is not only to captivate you but to give you the tools so you can captivate others with history!
You'll get 3 relevant reports every single month on topics covered in Captivating History's "A-Z Blueprint".
What was it like to be a Roman Gladiator or how was it to live during World War 2? You'll get the answers to these questions and many more!
You're not able to read all the Ebooks sent to you? No problem, simply go through one of these easily consumed and fascinating reports to keep you up to speed and always learn no matter what!
Did you know that we forget 90% of everything that we've read in 7 days? Well, not anymore! With these beautifully designed one-pagers, you can finally retain what you're reading. Simply access them on your device or print them out as you please.
If "The Captivating History Book Club" doesn't teach you about history in an exciting way... if it doesn't take you by the hand, step-by-step, to help you become more knowledgable about history... or if it fails to help you feel massively more confident in your knowledge of history, we'll refund your money within 30 days, no questions asked! You can also choose to cancel your membership at any time without penalty!
The total value of what you're getting today is more than $1,733/year when you look at the incredible bonuses we're including for you. But the good news is you are NOT going to pay anywhere near that price.
Because you're already a subscriber to our captivating history email list, we wanted to do everything we can to nurture your passion for history month after month, so TODAY we're giving you everything we just listed at a special price of just
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Simply select either monthly or yearly below to get started with your free trial today!
So, go ahead, click the order button above right now and you'll be well on your way to improving your knowledge of history and making yourself the life of the party all while increasing your understanding of the world around you.
Act now, before these exclusive bonuses go away or the price goes up.
Don't miss this breakthrough opportunity to access the Captivating History Book Club.
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To your success,
P.S. in case you're one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here's why you’re making the right choice by joining now:
We’ll take you by the hand and in the months to come, we’ll provide you with a curated series of ebooks and audiobooks that will help you to have a broad and deep understanding of history.
Not only will your friends and family turn to you for guidance because you're the smartest person in their social circle but you'll also be more able to accurately predict future events based on past history. Let Captivating History guide and help you to enjoy the process, month after month for years to come.
So if you want to say goodbye to boring history textbooks once and for all and feel like the smartest person at the Christmas table, then join now!